

 QUARNTINE - so you do everything that is required of one to travel in these pandemic times.  You have a hard copy of your most recent (within 96 hours) PCR NEGATIVE COVID-19 TEST, you have a valid reason to travel (I'm going to work), you have the correct status for the country you are traveling to and off you go.  Once you get there though, despite all this negative information, you are told that you have to quarantine for 14 days.  But how do you actually do that? For most of us the thought of 14 days in bed with endless movies seems like a dream.  Lounging around with a coffee or drink in your hand depending on the time of day.  Never getting out of you PJ's.  Time to talk over VPN to family and friends that you should keep better contact with etc, etc.  Have you ever tried it though?  This is the 2nd time I am doing a 14 day quarantine and I thought that I had it down pat but this time is even harder than the first time.   Firs...